Practice What I Preach

Virtually Irreplaceable started as a Virtual Assistant business. Over time it has evolved into what it is today; getting therapists online. During that time the work that goes into running and growing the business has increased and it was time to practice what I preach.

When you are running a small business there does come a time when in order to grow that business you need help. This help could come in a variety of ways. A Virtual Assistant, a Website Designer, a Social Media expert or even a coach.

In this blog, I’m going to talk you through how I decided what help I needed within my business and how you can work that out too.

Knowing What You Need

The first thing to think about really is knowing what you need help with. The first thing that comes to mind for therapists in Private Practice is help with the admin. This may not be the case for you though. You may need help with your social media or your website. Knowing where you’re struggling the most is key to deciding what kind of help you need. Ask yourself this question; What do I dread doing the most? I promise there will be someone that would love that task you hate and are putting off.

In my case, I really needed help with developing my ideas. So many of my working hours are taken up with paying clients work that I didn’t have the hours to put into growing my own business. I knew in order for me to grow and expand I needed help with implementing my big ideas. 

Focus On What You Do Best

In your business, there are tasks only you can do but then there are lots of tasks that someone else could do. And sometimes even do better than you! In my business, no one else could write my blogs for me but they can upload them to my website and create the graphics for them. No one else can do a Practice Audit but they could arrange the appointment. No one else could know the process for each client’s online project but they can upload the project on Basecamp for me when it’s created.

This is the same for you. No one else can give the therapy for you but there are SO many tasks you can outsource that doesn’t need to be completed by you. For a few ideas you can read my blog on 8 Things You Can Outsource to a VA.

Someone In Your Team

Working as a solopreneur can be a lonely experience especially during this time. Having someone in your team can be such a huge boost. Getting another perspective. Utilising their skills which may be different to yours. I have worked with my own VA for around 5 months and I’ve been able to do more in those 5 months in my business than in the past 4 years. I can pass over some of the repetitive tasks within my business in order for me to focus on the big picture.

I have really noticed how much more my clients have been able to do by having me by their side. Whether that be being able to work with clients an extra day. Growing their side hustle. Keeping clients longer or just having more free time! So I took the plunge and now practice what I preach.   

Utilising Expertise

Outsourcing something you don’t enjoy or are not naturally good at can have great benefits. On the one hand, it removes the stress of the task from your life. On the other hand, hiring an expert for the task you need help with will get you better results.

You could do all your social media yourself but by hiring an expert they would give you ideas you hadn’t thought of or to get you seen by more people. Similarly with your processes and systems. If you don’t know what’s the best way to run your practice hiring an expert can help you streamline all your processes.

Hiring my own Virtual Assistant has definitely helped me focus on growing and building my business. By knowing what I needed help with I have been able to focus on what I do best. I’m not spreading myself so thin and I can give my best in all aspects of the work I do.

What could you use help with? If it’s streamlining your processes and utilising systems we can help you. You can book a Private Practice Admin Audit. We can recommend best practice systems and processes tailored individually for your practice.


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