How Can I Improve My Time Management?

Time management can be a major challenge for solopreneurs. They tend to wear many hats and undertake every task for every aspect of their business. Efficient diary and task management can greatly improve time management skills.

Choosing to outsource these may seem like a daunting step as it’s such an important part of your business. There are simple ways of doing it without the need of delegating it which can have a positive effect on your business.

Google Calendar

By simply fully utilising your google calendar it can have a major impact on the way you schedule appointments. There may be lots of features you’re not using which can benefit your practice.

You can:

  • Share your calendar with your family

  • Colour code each entry so you can easily see what’s coming up that day

  • Create different calendar names so you can filter between business and personal entries

  • Set reminders and notifications

  • Sync it with all devices so you can add or amend appointments on your phone

  • Send invitations and collect RSVP’s so you know its been read

Check out for a full range of features.  

Online Booking Systems

A way to improve diary management further is to use online booking systems. There are free options as well as paid for options and all have one thing in common. To manage your appointments and enable clients to book themselves using up to date, accurate availability. All will sync with your Google Calendar but to varying degrees so ensure to check out the features and pricing of each platform or read my blog on Online Booking Systems.

My favourites are, Acuity and Power Diary.

Online Project Management Systems

As well as online booking systems, online project management systems are definitely the way to go for day-to-day to do list management and adhoc or long-term projects. For working in private practice the systems available for FREE are amazing and can transform the way you work. They are like an online cork-board full of post-its but better organised! For free systems, my favourites are Trello and Basecamp. You can check out my blog on Why use an Online Project Management Platform? to learn more about these.

You probably didn’t set up Private Practice to manage administrative tasks, but you’ve probably found that you’re spending countless hours keeping tabs on the running of things. Why not try some of these platforms and see if they can help manage your business.

There are various ways I can support you with regards to your time management. Assisting you to find which platforms would be best for your practice so you can confidently start implementing them. Setting them up, customising them and creating the processes for you. Then you can either manage yourself or hand the practice administration to me, meaning you have to wear one less hat! If you would like help improving your time management please get in contact via the website or by sending me an email at


How Can Online Booking Systems Improve My Practice?


Why use an Online Project Management Platform?